Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 February, 2020

The Earth - Our Home, DCIS Year 1 Assembly

The Earth - Our Home, DCIS Year 1 Assembly 1GD, 1SOK and 1LT enjoyed presenting their fantastic assembly about the earth HeroImageLowerPrimaryAssemblyEarthby1GD1SOK1LT

1GD, 1SOK and 1LT enjoyed presenting their fantastic assembly about the earth.

The children shared everything they had learnt during their IPC project, “The Earth Our Home.” The children sang a jungle song, talked about different animal groups, seasons around the world and the importance of looking after our planet.

The finale of the assembly was a song all about looking after our planet. “Let’s save the planet! There is only one!”

A wonderful assembly, well done Year 1!