22 June, 2023

Dover Court End of Academic Year 2022-2023 Secondary Message

End of Year Head of Secondary Message - End of Year Head of Secondary Message
Message from the Head of Secondary

Dear DCIS Families,


It has been an incredible year in Secondary which seems to have literally flown by. The year began with record breaking examples of ‘excellence’ for students pursuing accredited courses across our programmes of ASDAN, BTEC and IB. As the year of greater normality post pandemic unfolded, we saw the return of many established events and initiatives and the creation of new ones too! Sport trainings and fixtures, Art exhibitions, Science Fairs and MIT challenges, Drama and Music performances, our Alice in Wonderland production, the curriculum led trips, the resumed residentials for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12; the list truly goes on.


The energy around the campus and our community coming together to support others and celebrate have also been humbling to see. When I look back at this year I will remember the broad smiles of our students, the laughter, the challenges they faced and overcame and the strong relationships I see in action every day from teachers who are here to make a difference.


At the start of the year I related that ‘something magical was happening here’ and this is certainly true. I am looking forward to what we will achieve together next year and wish all our students, families, graduates and friends of Dover Court a fantastic vacation.  


Rachel Edwards

Head of Secondary