Nord Anglia Education
NAIS Rotterdam
06 May, 2019

Spirit Week with a Purpose

Spirit Week with a Purpose - spirit-week-with-a-purpose
Spirit Week with a Purpose During the week of the 13-17 May, in the lead up to the NECIS tournaments, STUCO have initiated a Spirit Week (including a Sharks pep rally) to kick start the STUCO Clothing and Shoe Drive. Read on to find out the daily fun Spirit Week themes and, more importantly, how you can help JBRR - Youth Protection.

During the week of the 13-17 May, in the lead up to the NECIS tournaments, STUCO have initiated a Spirit Week (including a Sharks pep rally) to kick start the STUCO Clothing & Shoe Drive. Read on to find out the daily fun Spirit Week themes and, more importantly, how you can help JBRR - Youth Protection.

STUCO will be hosting a clothing and shoe drive, and to kick start this wonderful inititative, a school-wide Spirit Week will be held!

The event is driven by the 1 & 10 Sustainable Goals đźŚŤ 

JBRR - Youth Protection, the local charity NAISR supports, needs clothing and shoes for the children (0-18yrs). Please see the link to understand the organisation JBRR that takes in neglected and abused children. 

From 13 - 31 May we will collect clothes and shoes for JBRR* - clean clothes and shoes must come in bags labelled with the specific age group (as narrow as possible: eg 6-8yrs old). Clothing and shoes can be bagged together, as long as they are for the same age range.

The clothes and shoes will be collected by the entrance - bags can be placed into the age specific labled boxes, located near the school's front entrance.

*We will also be excepting donations of small electrical appliances for JBRR until the end of May. 



The second reason for our Spirit Week is to raise school spirit for our School’s soccer and softball teams that will be going to the NECIS tournaments on May 17th!  Go Sharks!

Below are the daily themes for the upcoming Spirit Week:


Dress as an Athlete/Wear Your Favorite Jersey


Crazy Sock Day +

Bring a pair of new socks to donate to JBRR


Dress up as 80s / pilates or aerobic wear


Twin Day


Sharks Spirit Wear

To end the week with a bang, all students will come together in the school gym on Friday, 17 May at 2:00pm, for a Sharks Pep Rally to support our students who will be heading off to both the NECIS Softball and Soccer Tournaments!

Below you will see the chants that high school STUCO has put together for the Friday Pep Rally!

Chant #1 :


Chant #2 : 

person x - "give me an S"

everybody - "S"

person x - "give me an H"

everybody - "H"

person x - "give me an A"

everybody - "A"

person x - "give me an R"

everybody - "R"

person x - "give me an K"

everybody - "K"

person x - "give me an S"

everybody - "S"

everybody - "North, East, South, West, Sharks rock and are the best / GOOOOO SHARKS"