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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023_256 Blog | Secondary Blog | steam | trips
Nord Anglia STEAM Festival in Monterrey Mexico

The Nord Anglia STEAM Festival 2025 offers Year 9 and 10 students a unique opportunity to collaborate with peers on hands-on projects focused on sustainability and global challenges.

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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023_409 Blog | Secondary Blog
Cracking the Code - Navigating IGCSE Exam Season 2024
Embark on the IGCSE Exam Season 2024 journey with a glimpse into a special session where the school community unites to discuss strategies, experiences, and tips for success. From mock exams to former students sharing their wisdom, explore the collaborative efforts shaping a positive exam experience.
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News image BCB_Brazil_March_2023_415 Blog | Secondary Blog | Global Education | Highlights
Navigating Academic Progression: Unveiling the Significance of IGCSE in Paving the Way for the IB Diploma at BCB
Explore the pivotal role of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) in shaping the academic journey of students at BCB, preparing them for the challenges and rigors of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program.
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News image Picture1 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Y11 - Support and working together
Year 11 is a testing time for students, teachers, and parents. For our students, the previously elusive IGCSE exams were a glimmer on the horizon. The realisation that the mock exams are in 24 weeks has been something of a shock to the system for many. Add this to the serious and complicated nature of the PSHE sessions in the past weeks, the Y11 pastoral team wanted to try to relieve some of the growing pressure and stress.
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News image book2digitfootsocialfootprintanshullabs Blog | SecondaryBlog | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Digital footprint: The cyberspace that never fades
It can be easily said that in today’s world we are living online and I think we still have yet to fully realize the implications of doing so, one of those implications is that our tracks through the digital sand are eternal!
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News image Sportsdayjpg Blog | SecondaryBlog | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Secondary Sports Day 2022
On 17th June BCB secondary school students took part in a house sports day. Students competed in a variety of team events, each worth up to 100 house points. The team with the most house points at the end of day won the coveted house trophy!
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News image wiidajpg Blog | SecondaryBlog | Highlights | Secondary Blog
WIDA all about it
WIDA MODEL provides information about a student’s level of English proficiency (ability to listen, speak, read, and write), both in social and academic language. Social language is English used in everyday communication. Academic language is English used in association with school subject areas including: Language Arts, Mathematics and Social Sciences at all age levels.
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News image critical reading Blog | SecondaryBlog | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Developing Critical Reading
Throughout the English curriculum at BCB, students are encouraged to be critical readers. But what is critical reading? According to The Writing Centre, critical reading is ‘reading that applies certain processes, models, questions, and theories that result in enhanced clarity and comprehension.’
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News image Screen Shot 20220603 at 110326 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Puzzle of the Week
The school has recently joined in with the puzzle of the week! It is an international maths competition to engage students, teachers and parents alike! The puzzles are designed to be accessible to all students from year 5 and up, and often our year 4s like to have a go.
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News image Screen Shot 20220525 at 102829 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
O Feminino no Realismo Brasileiro
"Olhos de cigana oblíqua e dissimulada. Eu não sabia o que era obliqua, mas dissimulada sabia…"
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News image blog Blog | SecondaryBlog | Highlights | Secondary Blog
How the Covid-19 pandemic has shown us the importance of experimentation in science lessons
Science teachers are aware that experimentation awakens a strong interest among students at different levels of schooling. Students also tend to attribute to experimentation a motivating, playful, intrinsically linked to the senses. On the other hand, it is not uncommon to hear from teachers that experimentation increases the ability to learn, as it works as a means of involving the student in the topics that are discussed in theory lessons.
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News image Picture blog56 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Wars, conflicts, migration…
People that migrate (move) from the place where they live to a new place where they will live are known as migrants. Internally displaced people (people that migrate inside the country), internationally displaced people (people that migrate out to a different country), refugees (people that seek refuge, shelter), they are all types of migrants. Migrants, and migration, are as old as humanity itself. Migration is so common, and so present in our daily lives, that it’s very likely you know someone in your family who is (was) a migrant. My family, for instance, is made up of many migrants.
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News image IGCSE Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
The Y11s only have about two weeks to prepare for their IGCSE exams. This is quite an interesting but also very demanding time for them - everyone remembers how stressful exams can be from back when we were in school ourselves.
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News image behavioral Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Global Education | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Actions, attitudes and reflections
The behavioral policy makes sure that all our students understand that decisions and choices have consequences just like in the real world. We need to follow guidelines that are created to ensure students are safe, feel included and can focus on building positive relationships and achieving success in academics.
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News image Learner League Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
How the Learner League transitions from Primary to Secondary School
It is that time of year when Primary students in Year 6 look forward to transitioning into Secondary with students moving from both the CF and CJ Primary to a vastly different and strange new world …….or is it?
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News image Screen Shot 20220318 at 110829 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
When codes make it work
Technology is an innovation of humans and learning how to intentionally engage with Big Data, Machine Learning, and the Internet of things is an essential skill in our everyday lives. As smart devices and cloud connection become an increasing part of daily life on Earth, coding and programming is evolving from an optional field of study into a basic literacy.
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News image BCB RUNNING CLUB 2 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Running towards exam success
Exercise makes us feel good – that’s well documented. But do you know why? Does it burn off stress? Reduce muscle tension? Or release endorphins perhaps?
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News image Screen Shot 20220304 at 142953 Blog | SecondaryBlog | Secondary Blog
Vocabulary, collocations and ablaut reduplication (or another reason why acquiring English is difficult).
When reviewing vocabulary during a speaking activity recently, one student used the phrase, “I put my fork and knife down.”  I recast the sentence saying, “So, you put down your knife and fork?”. “Yes, I put down my fork and knife.”, came the response. Why did this sound so odd to me and why was the poor student confused when I tried to explain that it’s knife and fork in English, in that order otherwise it sounds wrong? I believe a direct translation from Portuguese (garfo e faca) is partly at fault for the confusion, but English must also take some of the blame.
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News image ibenglish Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
Y12 - IBDP1 - English A: Language and Literature
In the IB, students face what is possibly two of the most critical years of their lives. Small but consistent decisions they make now can unlock future opportunities that they may not even know exist yet.
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News image IMG20220217145341 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Highlights | Secondary Blog
The Mathematics Challenge Club
As we approach the middle of the school year, I’d like to take some time to explore what is happening within the mathematics department, in the classroom and with student’s at home.
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