Karen Hanratty
20 November, 2020

Vietnamese Teachers Day

Vietnamese Teachers Day

This morning we enjoyed a wonderful display of warmth, affection and appreciation from students and parents to our teaching staff. Every year, on 20th November, Vietnam celebrates its national ‘Teachers’ Day’. This date was established as far back as 1982, when the Ministerial Council selected this particular day to celebrate the work and dedication of teachers, and to give students past and present an opportunity to show respect for their current and previous teachers.

The teachers are all immensely grateful for the many gifts of flowers which they received, but more importantly, for the fact that students and parents took the time and trouble to express their appreciation for the work that teachers do. Our teachers are all committed to ensuring every student develops as a rounded individually – academically, socially, physically and morally. We strive to see every student fulfil their potential and, in many cases, exceed previous expectations. 

It is great timing that today also marks UNICEF World Children’s Day. Whilst celebrating our teachers, we also celebrated our students. We celebrated the fact that all of our students eat good food every day, are clean, well dressed and enjoy a full-time education. We also thought about other children in the world who do not have these basic rights. In assemblies across the school students discussed what World Children’s Day means to them, and both their rights and responsibilities. Some of our students took on additional tasks for the day, swapping some roles with their teachers.

There is a World Children's Day Fundraiser, organized by our UNICEF student ambassadors, which happens in the Reception area from November 20 - 26. Profits will be distributed proportionally between the global goals budget and donations to local charities aimed at protecting children’s rights. Let’s show our support!