Principal's Weekly Update (15 December 2023) | British International School in Hanoi | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update
Richard Vaughan
15 December, 2023

Principal's Weekly Update (15 December 2023)

Principal's Weekly Update (15 December 2023) | British International School in Hanoi | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
What an amazing last week of school! We have had an action-packed agenda of inter-house activities, Christmas performances from Foundation Stage and Year 1, and today we had our Principal’s Award Assembly for the whole school. Thank you to all parents who have taken time out to support their children in these special moments.

You will also have received the end-of-term academic reports to review the overall progress of your child. We hope you find this information useful to capture their learning journey and their many achievements along the way.

BIS Hanoi Principal Award Assembly Term 1 23-24

We close lessons for the Christmas break today. I would like to remind you that we will reopen for all students again on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

 I wish you all a restful break and a very happy new year.

Have a great weekend.

Richard Vaughan 
