Our students made an excellent start to the return to Virtual School - our-students-made-an-excellent-start-to-the-return-to-virtual-school
Nord Anglia
05 February, 2021

Our students made an excellent start to the return to Virtual School

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Our students made an excellent start to the return to Virtual School This week, BIS Hanoi returned to Virtual School and received a fantastic attendance from students.

This week, BIS Hanoi returned to Virtual School and received a fantastic attendance from students.

In Primary school, all the staff have been working really hard to make the online lessons as interesting and engaging as possible. We were impressed with the quality attendance during the week and happy to see the progress of our students. Students have been working really hard and producing some wonderful work - well done students!

To keep our students active at home, Ms Bevan and Ms Kirk hosted the Dance Break and Musical Moment on Google Meet. This 15-munute activity were really well-attended by Primary students at break time with an average of over 100 students every lesson. It was a good opportunity for students and their families to take a break within school day and dance, sing together!

The Secondary students have made an extraordinary start to our return to Virtual School. We have seen examples of students working collaboratively using Jamboards in maths. History students have been discussing the difference between 'importance' and 'significance' in their lessons. The whole of year 10 have been sharing their emotions digitally this week, during tutor time.

When students have needed a little respite from being academically challenged in lessons they have been involved in dance breaks with Ms Bevan to get themselves moving, they have made homemade clay with Ms Lounis and widened their skillset in an 'Introduction to Technical Drawing' session with Mr Burke. This is just a small snapshot of some of the examples of activities we have seen across the Secondary school so far.

After-school we have a number of ECAs on offer from arts and crafts- making homemade clay and painting with coffee, to yoga, football skills, musical theatre and technical drawing skills. We are really excited to see students starting to join these ECAs and are particularly grateful to our teachers who are offering them.

We have been really impressed with the attendance of students to morning registration and lessons. They have been superbly engaged and willing to get involved and the teachers are really motivated by the contributions they are making. Keep up the good work BIS Hanoi!

We hope the situation will get better and after Tet and looking forward to seeing all of our students in person. Wishing you a happy and safe Tet holiday!