Principal's Weekly Update (25 February 2022) | BIS Hanoi - principal-weekly-update
Nord Anglia
25 February, 2022

Principal's Weekly Update (25 February 2022)

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Principal's Weekly Update (25 February 2022) This week we have had a full and productive week of learning and activities both on campus and on virtual school (VSE).

Dear Parents,

As you can imagine we were very disappointed to be told that the reopening of on-campus learning for Years 2 to 7 was to be postponed. We were all set and ready to go. For now, we have to continue with full VSE (Virtual School Experience) for these year groups until permission is granted. Thank you for your ongoing support, patience and understanding in these challenging times. We will await further updates in due course for these year groups as well as for our F1 to Year 1 students too. Watch this space carefully!

Despite this, we have had a full and productive week of learning and activities both on campus and on VSE. You will have seen the information we have shared this week on our new Security Procedures. Please do click and review to familiarise yourself in readiness for future phases of this project being rolled out to our school community.

Finally, I would like to give you advanced awareness of an additional termly event that I would like to introduce to the calendar. I will be sending out invitations and further details to you for our first Principal’s Coffee Morning which will take place on Tuesday March 8th from 8:45 am. This will be an opportunity for me to share a range of key updates and developments about the school as a whole and will also be an opportunity for a Q&A between you and myself and our Heads of Primary and Secondary. Further details to follow next week.

Have a good weekend.

Kind regards,

Richard Vaughan 
