Principal's Weekly Update (17 February 2023) | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update
Richard Vaughan
17 February, 2023

Principal's Weekly Update (17 February 2023)

Principal's Weekly Update (17 February 2023) | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our refreshed format for the newsletter in line with our new website launch last week. We hope this will continue to be informative to you and your families as partners together in your child’s education. If you have any feedback or suggestions for further improvement do let us know. 

Principal's Weekly Update (17 February 2023) | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update

Thank you also to all parents who have attended our various parent workshops over the past week or so. We hope you have found them to be useful.

Principal's Weekly Update (17 February 2023) | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update

Principal's Weekly Update (17 February 2023) | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update








Can I remind you that I will be running the termly Principal’s Coffee Morning on Tuesday 21st February at 8:45a.m. I will be sharing a number of whole school updates, developments and creating an opportunity for questions and answers on a rage of topics. If you are unable to attend, we will be sharing the slide deck with you to review at your leisure.

This week we have had another sleepover for our Year 5 students. A great time had by all! Our Early Explorers – baby and toddler group also had another successful week of activities. Thanks to all of you who have joined us.

Next week we have some visitors in school from Juilliard in New York undertaking workshops and sessions for our teachers and students. The focus for this visit will be drama. We will share more next week. Our Co-Curricular Programme (CCAs) is up and running. This now includes Saturday morning’s as well. Look out for further updates on our programme for Block 3 which will be shared soon.

Principal's Weekly Update (17 February 2023) | BIS Hanoi - Principal Weekly Update

Finally, just a reminder to all of you to take a few minutes to give us your feedback via the annual Parents Satisfaction Survey. Please check your inbox and complete the survey that was sent from the Principal's Office. The survey will be open until March 17th. 📑 






Wishing you all a very restful weekend.

Kind regards.

Richard Vaughan 
