20 March, 2024

BIS Hanoi first-ever Key Stage 3 wellbeing festival

Key Stage 3 Wellbeing Festival | BIS Hanoi
The wellbeing festival not only underscores the importance of student wellbeing but also empowers students to become advocates for their own mental, physical, and emotional health.

In an era where student welfare is increasingly in the spotlight, schools are continuously seeking innovative ways to support the holistic development of their students. One such groundbreaking initiative emerged from the corridors of BIS Hanoi as we proudly organised the first-ever Key Stage 3 Wellbeing Festival. This event not only underscores the importance of student wellbeing but also empowers students to become advocates for their own mental, physical, and emotional health.

Key Stage 3 Wellbeing Festival | BIS Hanoi

The creation of the Key Stage 3 Wellbeing Festival stemmed from a desire to nurture students' wellbeing strategies. Ms. Byron, Head of Year 7, revealed, "We wanted to create an opportunity for all students to develop their wellbeing strategies by becoming experts in one aspect of wellbeing and then sharing their learning with their peers." It was an idea focused on fostering leadership, oracy skills, and peer collaboration, all while equipping students with a toolkit of self-care techniques to navigate the challenges of school life and beyond. 

The festival, held on March 15th, featured an array of engaging activities and workshops designed to cater to different aspects of student wellbeing, ranging from yoga and meditation sessions to discussions on nutrition and mental health. Our students immersed themselves in projects such as journaling, theatre performances, and photography exhibitions, each selecting a focus group to delve deeper into their chosen area of wellbeing. 

What sets the Wellbeing Festival apart is its integration into the broader curriculum and school initiatives related to student welfare. The Key Stage 3 curriculum at BIS Hanoi centres around students’ holistic wellbeing and emphasises the interdependence of mind, body, voice, and soul. The festival is the culmination of year-long learning, providing students with a platform to showcase their understanding of wellbeing while exploring many strategies to support their mental and emotional health. 

Through the festival, students not only lead their respective focus groups but also engage actively in experiencing the diverse range of activities on offer. This immersive approach ensures that they leave the festival equipped not only with knowledge but also with practical tools to enhance their mental resilience. Moreover, the festival fosters a sense of community and peer support, reinforcing the notion that wellbeing is a collective endeavour. 

As the inaugural Wellbeing Festival comes to an end, its impact reverberates throughout BIS. Years 7 to 9 leave with new insights, empowered to prioritise their wellbeing and push for positive change in their school community. The festival stands as a testament to the school's unwavering commitment to nurturing the holistic development of our students, laying the foundation for a culture where wellbeing is not just a priority but a way of life.