As part of IPC, Year 2 explore the ways humans can both protect and harm the environment, form and share opinions about the world we live in, and communicate their geographical understanding in a variety of ways. The production of Eddie the Penguin was certainly a unique way of sharing what had been learnt!
Over the next six weeks, BIS will host the children from Ky Quang Pagoda, who will experience a range of activities around the school with the F3 children.
We are coming to the end of our Talk for Writing topic, ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears,’ and what better way to celebrate all the children’s hard work than by going on a Teddy Bear’s Picnic.
The results of the Parents’ Satisfaction Survey are helping us to identify ways to improve further and draw up a strategic plan for enhancing the educational provision at BIS.
The health and safety of the children is at the heart of all we do at BIS. Because we have effective systems in place, we can look forward to fabulous events like our upcoming International Week.
In supporting the Mini-Council’s ideas of helping new students at BIS HCMC, the EAL Department have launched a new buddy-system scheme to help new arrivals at the EY&I Campus.
Many new children began their full time program in F1 this week. The children have been fantastic and have grown in confidence and independence. This week they have continued to build on their new school experiences by visiting the specialist teachers in their spaces and we are very proud of how well the children have settled.
With the exception of Fundinotots, all the children have now returned to school. With only a few weeks remaining of the term however, our focus is on preparing the children for moving up a year.