F3 take their learning outdoors | Talk 4 Writing | BIS HCMC - f3-take-their-learning-outdoors-to-support-their-talk-4-writing
14 March, 2019

F3 take their learning outdoors to support their Talk 4 Writing

F3 take their learning outdoors | Talk 4 Writing | BIS HCMC - f3-take-their-learning-outdoors-to-support-their-talk-4-writing
F3 take their learning outdoors to support their Talk 4 Writing Mr Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham is an entertaining and engaging story that all the F3 classes have loved sharing together. After journeying through the Talk 4 Writing process, F3 armed themselves with binoculars, clipboards and pencils and excitedly ventured down to the Saigon riverside to see if they could spot Mr Gumpy.

Mr Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham is an entertaining and engaging story that all the F3 classes have loved sharing together. After journeying through the Talk 4 Writing process, F3 armed themselves with binoculars, clipboards and pencils and excitedly ventured down to the Saigon riverside to see if they could spot Mr Gumpy.   

Over the last few weeks, the children in F3 have been on a fun-filled journey with Mr Gumpy.  It began with learning the story Mr Gumpy’s Outing, complete with actions. Then our imaginative F3 storytellers innovated the story by reimagining our original story maps; changing the settings and characters. 

This week the children in F3 rounded up their Talk 4 Writing focus by venturing down to the riverside in search of Mr Gumpy. Before embarking on this adventure, the children made some predictions about what they thought they might see; fish, frogs, ducks, butterflies, sharks, socks, crocodiles, plants, Mr Gumpy and boats of course! With a keen eye on the river the children made some interesting observations, they noticed fish jumping and making ripples in the water, they saw birds swooping and landing on plants that were floating down the river and spotted boats of different shapes and sizes… even Mr Gumpy on his noisy little boat!  Before heading back to school to share and collate the finding of their expedition, the children enjoyed ice cream and a play in the park. Many thanks to the BP compound for allowing us to use their safe riverside for our trip.

Ms Sara Heath, F3 Teacher

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