Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
March 24, 2022

Lights, curtain, action!

Wiz Wham Alakazam poster
Lights, curtain, action!

Exciting news! As an opportunity to celebrate the hard work the children have shown across Primary, we will be performing a school play. 'Wizz Wham Alakazam' is a musical of truly magical proportions and follows the story of the wizards of Sun Castle who must work together to defeat the Ice Creatures. There is a strong message of community and teamwork which is integral to our school and we are so excited for the children to share this with you all in two performances!

Our performances will take place on June 15th at 2:45pm and June 16th at 5:30pm and ticket information will be announced soon.

If you are interested in volunteering to help with set designs or costumes, please email Miss Green