After a months-long journey toward a coveted youth award, Aeriel Burtley, a junior at BISC South Loop, is the runner up in the 2016 Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago Youth of the Year competition.
Here’s one for the books. After achieving the highest scores at our inaugural Middle School History Fair in February, 14 Bulldogs showcased their winning projects at the Chicago Metro History Fair and two are headed to the state competition!
On the heels of four wins at the Middle School Mathematics Contest, our students reigned supreme at the MATHCOUNTS Competition, qualifying for the upcoming State Competition.
Simon Cohen, Year 12, is the only student from a Chicago school to place in the Illinois Music Education Association 2015-16 Student Composition Contest!
Our World Language students in Year 10 have been working hard to put together the very first issue of "BISCuit Termly", our culture- and language-focused magazine.