24 August, 2021

ASDAN Business Simulation Competition

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At 8.30am on Saturday 23 November a group of incredibly brave and dedicated BISS business students arrived at the ASDAN Business Simulation Competition eager to face the grueling two day challenge ahead.

Yi Erh (Vanessa) Lin was elected to lead the team of An (Andrew) Xu, Xi Wei (Ava) Yang, Ivy Mulan (Ivy) Chen, Seoyeon (Kelly) Lee and Teu-Chin (Eva) Lin. They had no idea what to expect! They were given operational challenges, filled with formula to calculate risk and decisions to make regarding staffing, location and investments. They were required to assess the likely consequences of their investments on their market standing and predict profits by weighing up costs against benefits. Amidst these rigorous challenges fell intimidating presentations and negotiations in a public forum.The students performed exceptionally well and I felt very proud to accompany them. Not only did they demonstrate outstanding business knowledge but they conducted themselves with humility and respect for their fellow delegates. At the end of the competition they were placed 6th out of 14 teams- an excellent achievement!