Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 June, 2019

Nursery Children Learn About Asking Questions…At The Fire Station

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The Nursery children have spent the last couple of weeks thinking about 'people who help us', throughout the whole school and into the wider community, and this culminated in a very exciting trip to the local Fire Station. The children have been thinking about what doctors, paramedics, vets, bin men, bus drivers..., really do to help us? They have also focused on the questions they need to ask to find out and, having conducted some interviews around school, worked hard to make some questions to take with them to the fire station.

The Nursery children at the Fire Station and one of the children, Victor, proudly showing a fireman the painting he'd done before the trip.

The children have been thinking about what doctors, paramedics, vets, bin men, bus drivers..., really do to help us? They have also focused on the questions they need to ask to find out and, having conducted some interviews around school, worked hard to make some questions to take with them to the fire station.

Natalie Walker, Head of Pre-Nursery and Nursery Leader tells us a bit about the day and what the children learnt:

“The children were excited on the buses for the short journey and so well behaved when we arrived, despite the thrill of seeing the fire engines up close. They listened really well to the firemen, and a few were confident enough to start asking questions straight away as soon as they saw the fascinating equipment.

We saw the fire men's living quarters and watched an amazing demonstration of how they make their beds! The children were enthralled by the big noisy equipment that they use to cut cars after traffic accidents.

The fire alarm sounded and two firemen whizzed down the pole and got into their fire fighting boots and jackets. In less than a minute they were driving away in the fire engine. Thankfully it was just for us to see and not a real fire. However, we did find out that they are called out an average of twice a day!

Next we watched as the fire men dragged the long hoses up the practice tower and sprayed water and foam across the yard. It look like snow and the children were memorised! And finally we had a great opportunity for asking questions and many of the nursery children were wonderfully confident talking to the firemen and listening attentively too. It really was a fantastic morning packed with excitement and learning.”

Some of our parents have told us what their child thought of the day:

"Lola was very impressed about how big the fire engines were and there were huge doors at the fire station for the engines to go inside." 

"Kal came home talking all about how the firemen go down the pole and knows if there is ever a fire we need to call the fireman!"

“Archie loved seeing the fire engine with its siren blaring and seeing all the tools the firemen use to put out fires.”