Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 October, 2022

A high level of teaching and learning in Maths

In Years 1-6 the White Rose scheme is used for teaching Maths. This scheme provides a clear structure and contains excellent and comprehensive resources. At BISS Puxi, we have adapted and developed the scheme to ensure a high level of teaching and learning in Maths.

During a typical lesson at BISS, the children will begin by revising previous learning before moving on to the lesson introduction and differentiated tasks. Differentiation is provided principally through adult support, which is modelled by teaching staff, both physically and also by thinking out loud. Lessons are further differentiated through different tasks, all under the same objective. These are prepared for students to select from, prior to the lesson starting. Students of all attainment levels have the opportunity to attempt ‘mastery tasks’ by moving through units in small steps, either independently, within group, or with adult support. Students who work at a faster pace are encouraged to explore, investigate, deepen and explain their learning within the same learning objectives for their year group.,

CPA – Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract is something that underpins not only White Rose Maths, but also Maths at BISS Puxi. By using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract’ (CPA) approach to learning, we ensure that children can show, explain and prove how they solved a problem or calculation in a variety of different ways, further ensuring meaningful learning opportunities and accurate teacher judgement.

During the academic year, there are a number of exciting Maths competitions which take place across Shanghai, China and the world. These include, FOBISIA Maths, the NA Maths Challenge and the Primary Maths Challenge. As these events are competitive and fun, we aim to enter all of them. We also celebrate Maths Week at BISS which is a week-long celebration of Maths during which the children take part in a range of fun and exciting activities linked to Maths. Last year, due to the school closure, Maths Week took part online, but it was still a fantastic event.

Problem solving is a pivotal part of Maths in school and some element of problem solving is included in every Maths lesson. Problem solving can be completed in a range of different ways, using many different resources and involves children working independently or collaboratively on a path to finding a solution. At BISS, we encourage our students to take risks in their learning which means allowing them time to make conjectures, to go up 'dead ends' and adjust their thinking when problem solving. This develops learning behaviour that enables the children to be confident to lead their own learning and be less reliant on the teacher in not just Maths but other areas of the curriculum. In order to help the children achieve success, they are provided with a range of age-appropriate activities with different levels of challenge, linking it to real life scenarios in order to make learning fun and exciting.