The workshop was designed to demystify the History and Geography curriculum at Key Stage 3 by providing an overview of what children would be studying and the essential skills they would develop. The event aimed to provide clarity on various aspects, including the assessments their children would undertake and how these related to their tracker reports. Furthermore, the workshop gave parents an array of useful websites and resources they could employ to support their children's learning at home. One of the workshop's most engaging aspects was the opportunity for parents to participate in an interactive lesson. This immersive experience allowed parents to step into their children's shoes, gaining a firsthand understanding of how our students are taught, and to test what they had learnt that day.
Crucially, the workshop also provided an open forum for parents to ask questions. This was particularly significant, as parents often have queries about our curriculum choices and their child’s future educational journey beyond Key Stage 3. We were able to cover topics such as IGCSE options choices and how parents can support their children at home, as well as answer several other questions that were raised. It was great to see so many people at the event and we look forward to seeing more parents in school in the future.