18 October, 2023

Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World

Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World - Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World

The main objective of this trip was to consolidate and enhance the children's learning of their STEAM topic: Footprints through the Past. This was achieved through interactive exhibits, fun hands-on activities, and guided tours in which students were able to delve deep into the fascinating world of these ancient reptiles and their various species, habitats, and diets. The children loved roaming amongst the life-sized models, hearing thunderous roars, and feeling the ground shake beneath their feet (metaphorically, of course)!


This trip served as a powerful tool for experiential learning and sparked curiosity amongst the children. It ignited their imagination and fostered a genuine interest in palaeontology and natural history. The impact was evident as the children enthusiastically shared their newfound knowledge with their peers and teachers, after returning to school.


Additionally, the trip also had a positive social impact. It provided an opportunity for the children to bond with their classmates, creating lasting memories and strengthening friendships. Overall, the Year 3 school trip to Dinosaur World in Gucun Park proved to be an engaging and impactful experience. Such educational outings play a crucial role in broadening horizons and nurturing young minds.


Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World - Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World


Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World - Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World


Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World - Year 3 Trip to Dinosaur World