Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
11 December, 2023

Early Years Christmas

Early Years Christmas - Early Years Christmas

The festive spirit echoed through the halls of BISS Puxi this week, as Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception students gathered for their Christmas Sing-alongs and festive parties. Among twinkling lights and colourful decorations, the school echoed with laughter, joy and the sweet melodies of young voices embracing the holiday cheer. The students sang songs that celebrated the spirit of Christmas; from classics such as ‘Jingle Bells’ to heartwarming renditions of ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’, each performance was a testament to the students’ hard work and dedication over the term.

Early Years Christmas - Early Years Christmas
Behind this spectacle lay the unwavering support of our dedicated parents. Your encouragement and involvement have been integral in fostering a vibrant and nurturing environment for our youngest students to succeed. None of this would have been possible, either, without the dedication and commitment of our wonderful teachers. Their tireless efforts in nurturing creativity, instilling confidence and guiding these young talents deserve appreciation.

The Christmas Sing-along encapsulated the essence of togetherness, spreading warmth and happiness within the BISS Puxi community. As we step into the holiday season and embrace the spirit of giving, let's carry forward the lessons learnt, the memories cherished and the joy shared during this magical term.

Early Years Christmas - Early Years Christmas

Thank you, parents, for your unwavering support so far this year. We wish you a safe and relaxing holiday.