William Walker

Head of History

MA (Hons), PGCE

After university, I initially trained as an ESL teacher as I wanted to see the world, starting with Spain. Later, after working in China for over three years, I returned to the UK to retrain as a secondary teacher. Completing my PGCE, I then taught History at a school in Birmingham. Looking for an opportunity to return to Shanghai, I joined BISS in 2017 as an EAL and History teacher, before taking on the role of Head of History in 2018.

I enjoy challenging students’ preconceptions through the enquires we choose. For example, an examination of the Silk Road and medieval trade routes might suggest that in many ways the British Isles were at the periphery of the world in terms of importance at that time - something which my own school history education certainly never suggested. I am excited to further develop our local history enquiries, particularly that of how Shanghai changed between 1900 and 1949 - I find this period fascinating and for students at BISS that history is all around them.