23 June, 2023

Empowered to Succeed Awards Evening

Empowered to Succeed Awards Evening - Empowered to Succeed Awards Evening
Empowered to Succeed Awards Evening
BSKL held its first ever ‘Empowered to Succeed’ awards ceremony at Le Meridien Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

On Monday 19th June, BSKL held its first ever ‘Empowered to Succeed’ awards ceremony, held at Le Meridien Hotel Kuala Lumpur, aimed at celebrating the skill, dedication, and drive of those exceptional students who represent the school in competitions or performances at the highest level. 

The categories included Sport, Music, Drama, and Academic Competition. For some of these categories, this is the first time they have been involved in an awards evening such as this and it was a pleasure to see so many parents join their children in recognising the wonderful talent that we are lucky enough to have at BSKL. 

We saw incredible live performances from Simon, Jern Huang, Jaycen, Ayden, Cathay, and Caitlin. We also heard some powerful words of wisdom and praise from Dr Brown, Mr O’Connor, Ms Moreton, Ms Laragione, and Mr Alexander. 

Overall, the nominees and winners were deserving but it was clear that everyone invited to this event has the potential to be excellent in whatever area they specialise in and are standouts in their own right. 

To echo Dr Brown’s thoughts on the night, perseverance, resilience, dedication, and support of yourself and of your peers are vital elements of success. They are also sentiments that were reflected by each and every student that attended. 

We look forward to seeing what next year holds for you all!


Jazmine Year 8
Mika Laith Year 8
Jeanne Year 9
Riess Year 10
Ke Yi Year 11
Idries Year 11

Caitlin Year 8
Jern Huang Year 8
Abeer Year 8
Simon Year 8
Jayden Year 10
Ayden Year 13

Pleun Year 11
Peggy Year 11
Despoina Year 9
Jun Li Year 7

Academic Competition
Jaeden Year 12
Aditya Year 11
Simon Year 8
Kiana Year 10
Serena Year 10
Hugo Year 9

Break out performers
Sebastien - Sport - Year 9
Manuella - Music - Year 11
Ranbir - Drama -Year 8