Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 December, 2020

EYFS Winter Show 2020

EYFS Winter Show 2020 Coming to the end of the first Term, I find the Winter Show to be a glorious celebration of the learning and development that has happened since those nervous little ones said goodbye to their mummies and daddies on the first day of school.

Coming to the end of the first Term, I find the Winter Show to be a glorious celebration of the learning and development that has happened since those nervous little ones said goodbye to their mummies and daddies on the first day of school.

It is just so exciting and inspiring to see the confidence and tenacity, of the children.  The little complaisant newbies replaced by these bold, audacious little pupils, looking striking in their winter performance attires.

Oh, and yes, what a marvellous celebration we had! Our Nursery; Pre-Nursery and Reception children were shining and they had such a lovely time. 

The performance was based on the tale of The Ginger Bread Man.  Though it played off on a Winter Wonderland stage setting, with characters such as Mother Clause(Emelia from Reception) baking a ginger bread cookie for Santa's snack.( he was busy preparing for his journey to take gifts and toys to all the children.)  

Mother Clause's cookie comes to life magically like the Gingerbread Man of old(Mirkhan from Reception), and as he keeps running through the Winter Wonderland, he meets all kinds of friends that want to eat him: Penguins(Reception boys); Little Snowman(Farhad from Pre-Nursery); Reindeer(Nursery boys and girls) and Snowflakes(Reception girls).  

Finally, after the snowflake dance, just before the snow storm, of course clever Santa Clause(Azzam Jon from Reception) offers him shelter on the sleigh. There he becomes Santa's snack as intended by jolly Mrs. Clause.
Our classes all come together to do a magnificent grand finale of Jingle bells, and a lovely Russian song and danced around the Christmas Tree.

It certainly was the perfect celebration of the term's learning, and a lovely way to finish on a high note, celebrating with families and teachers.