31 August, 2023

Celebrating outstanding IGCSE results at BSY

Celebrating Outstanding IGCSE Results at BSY - Celebrating outstanding IGCSE results at BSY

Excellence Shines Through Adversity at The British School Yangon

BSY are thrilled to announce and celebrate the remarkable IGCSE results that our students achieved during the 2022/23 academic year. Those results were as follows:

54% A* to A

80% A* to B

95% A* to C

These impressive grade percentages put BSY well above the UK national average and rival some of the top performing schools in the UK.

The results are even more notable considering the challenges our students have faced over the last two and a half years. During part of Year 8 and all of Year 9 and 10, our students were online and were only able to return to face-to-face learning last year. Additionally, IGCSE results have been realigned to pre-pandemic levels, and our students have still excelled. Their achievement showcases not only their adaptability and dedication to their studies, but also to the quality of teaching at BSY.

Principal Alison Fox remarked, "the accomplishments of our students are truly commendable. Their ability to confront challenges head-on and excel in their IGCSEs is a testament to their character. These results not only highlight their resilience but also reflect the unwavering support they received from our exceptional teaching team."

The journey, however, is far from over. As our now Year 12 students gear up to face the challenges of their A level studies, we can look forward to celebrating their continued successes. These results are a strong foundation, paving the way for future accomplishments and a bright post-secondary career.