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Nord Anglia
09 June, 2015

Year 6's Forest School at Ecopark

Year 6's Forest School at Ecopark

Forest School’s is an outdoor learning program which has its origins in the Scandinavian style of education.

Year 6's Forest School at Ecopark Over the past 10 years or so the Forest School program has become much more popular in the UK.

Forest School’s is an outdoor learning program which has its origins in the Scandinavian style of education.

Over the past 10 years or so it has become much more popular in the UK.

The reason for the increased popularity of Forest Schools is, aside from being great fun, that they have been shown to have a wide range of educational benefits. While it may seems that making shelters and lighting fires may not be of direct benefit to literacy skills, participation has been shown to improve children’s teamwork and communication, problem solving, lateral thinking and emotional resilience. All of these key skills help them to become better learners across the whole curriculum.

Mr Peter Winkley - Year 6 Teacher