Nord Anglia Education
Country Day School
01 September, 2019

Words from High School, 01.09,2019

Words from High School Dream Big. Work Smart. Be Kind. _MG_0360

Joe Menendez

Highschool Principal

Off to a great two weeks! 

Our first two weeks are complete and I must say that the energy in the High School has been fantastic.  Our new teachers and students have settled in well to CDS. Friendships are being formed and learning is taking place, which are two of the things that brings me great joy as a Principal.  


We celebrated our Seniors this past Friday with an all school assembly full of games, music, and school spirit.  Our seniors have set a great tone this year for the rest of the High School, and it was great to see them lead the rest of the student body in school spirit.  

Open House is this Thursday! 

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You do not want to miss this opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and learn more about what is happening in the high school.  We will begin at 6pm in the theater for a short welcome and then off to become your child for an evening going to their classes.  Schedules will be digital this year, so be sure that you have access to plus portals on your mobile devices. 

I can’t wait to see you all there.

CDS College Fair

CDS will hosting a College Fair this coming Friday, September 6.  We will have close to 20 universities on campus as well as other area schools to speak with college admissions officers.  Our entire high school will attend a workshop in the Theater and then speak with college admissions officers. This is the perfect time for all students to begin communicating with these admission officers as these are the admission representatives who will be advocating for students’ admission into their college when admissions rolls around in the fall.