Nord Anglia Education
Country Day School
03 November, 2019

Words from High School, 03.11.2019

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Words from High School IMG_8510

José Luis Menendez

High School Principal

MSA Visit 


As you may have seen in the general section of the newsletter, this week MSA, our accrediting organization will be on campus to review all of the good work our school is doing. This is where we will be putting our best foot forward for the visiting team.  I’ve asked all students to be sure they are in Dress Code for the week. If students are not in dress code, they will be asked to call home and have their appropriate attire brought to campus.

Fast Forward


On November 12, students in the HS will hear from Jack Bimrose of Texas Tech University here in Costa Rica about the future of the workplace.  Jack Bimrose is a native of Oregon and graduate of the University of Portland.  Before working with the Texas Tech University – Costa Rica project, he was Director General of Lincoln School here in San José for 14-years.  Prior to Costa Rica, he was a secondary principal in the United States and at the Roosevelt American School of Lima, Perú, the Lincoln American School of Buenos Aires, Argentina and the American School of Kuwait.  He now works with special projects at the Costa Rican satellite campus of Texas Tech University located on Avenida Escazú. We are looking forward to kicking off some career focused assemblies with Mr. Bimrose’s presentation.

Student Spotlight-Sofia Milian


From time to time, I will spotlight students who are doing some extraordinary things in and outside of school.  This week’s student spotlight student is Sofia Milian. Sofia is a senior this year over the summer, she took on a two week summer internship in her father’s business to learn about the boutique shoe business here in Costa Rica.  The two-week internship turned into a 5 month experience where Sofia personally designed a shoe store in San Jose, is managing the company’s social media marketing, and involved in purchasing new products for the store. She has had meetings with representatives from major shoe companies such as NIKE, New Balance, Adidas, Vans, and DC receiving accolades and recognition for her innovation and disruption created by her ideas.  

Sofia and her family credits her education here at CDS for her ability to navigate this incredible opportunity.  Sofia continues to work with her father and his company all while maintaining her studies, filling out college applications, and being a teenager! Congratulations to Sofia for taking advantage of the 2-week opportunity this summer! One never knows what will happen in life until one walks through the door of opportunity! 

Assembly Wednesday


On Wednesday we will have a short assembly during our assembly time to learn a little bit about the convention on the rights of a child, students’ voices, and preparations for our World Children’s Day celebration on November 20.