Nord Anglia Education
Country Day School
26 January, 2020

Words from Elementary School, 26.01.2020

Mias dad
Words from Elementary School Dream Big. Work Smart. Be Kind. IMG_2203

Mr. Jack Young

Elementary School Principal

Image result for homework is coming

Per our Elementary School Teaching and Learning Policy, the grade 5 students will be receiving an increase in daily homework assignments in order to help them with their upcoming transition to middle school.  Last week both ES and MS principals met to gauge how much homework would be adequate to assign our grade 5 students so that they are learning how to manage time and work outside of the classroom, at home. 

Right now, all elementary students are expected to read for 20 minutes a night but are not scrutinized on this reading by any means for a grade.  The purpose of this is to help develop a love of reading.  Now, as the grade 5 students move into our second semester the objective of giving homework to only grade 5 students is to increase time spent exposed to necessary mathematics skills and concepts as well as teach time management and responsibility outside of the classroom. The agreed time constraints for grade 5 homework is 45 minutes per night, Monday thru Thursdays.  This will be divided amongst English/ Language Arts and Mathematics assignments.   

The task that has been given to the grade 5 teaching team is that the homework is meaningful for every student.  We will be using MAP data to identify which students need to strengthen which skills and assign work accordingly; homework will be personalized.  A very important part of this initiative is that we make sure our students are not spending more than 45 minutes a night on these assignments.  If your child has reached the 45-minute mark, have them stop, and ask them to write their teacher and email (student not the parent) explaining where they are stopping and that they have reached their 45-minute limit. 

Middle school is around the corner for our current grade 5 students and it is our responsibility to ensure a smooth transition for them. Homework is one of the most daunting aspects of this transition so we aim to adequately prepare our students for this aspect of secondary school.   

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