Nord Anglia Education
Country Day School
24 November, 2021

Words from our Director, 24.11.2021

Dr Scott Adams
Words from our Director

Dear CDS Families,  

Words from our Director | 24 November 2021 | CDS Costa Rica - words-from-our-director

Since it’s important to keep you updated on Covid-related issues at our school, I again wish to inform you about the pandemic’s impact on CDS and to stress the importance of our school community’s responsibility--students, families, teachers and staff--to partner in collaboration against behaviors that risk potential transmission. I’m thrilled again to report, in the last two weeks, November 13 - November 24, we had zero positive Covid cases. You read that right: nada, zilch, zip, nothing. This means we continue to win the Covid data game since we have attained the absolute best score: a perfect 0. The sustained result indicates our on-campus risk mitigation health and safety measures of masking, distancing, and sanitation are working to eliminate infections. And it demonstrates too that CDS families' social behaviors outside of school are proving likewise effective. Recall in the first three months of this school year, we had 47 positives (by PCR test or Nexus--43 students and four staff), yet in the last month we’ve had none. We can’t get complacent, however, and revel in our success; instead, we must continue maintaining the proven protocols to keep Covid positives at bay and outside our community.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion -- (DEI) @ CDS -- Town Hall Conversation

A week ago today, I hosted a Town Hall conversation with parents about DEI @ CDS. Joined by my Secondary and Primary Principals, Jose Luis Menedez and Ariel Weissburg, we had 54 families in our Zoom gallery. We were guided by a format of Why, What, and How for our presentation, and used this linked slide deck as talking points, which includes answers to the three parents who asked questions via written form prior to the conversation. After our conversation, we also answered questions posed by participants in person or in the Zoom chat. 

I concluded afterwards, upon reflection with the Parents Association and my CDS team, that we clarified our purpose in addressing DEI-related learning with our students and explained what and how we were making that happen via specific student activities and programs. At the core of our intent is to manifest progress in making our CDS mission come alive, notably the emphasis on inclusion and international, global citizenship. Our Mission is: CDS is an inclusive international learning community that nurtures character, inspires a passion for learning, and cultivates responsible global citizens for the future. 

If you have any questions about DEI @ CDS or anything else about our school, please write me at or call at 2289 0919, x2224. 

Wishing you all a lovely and grateful Thanksgiving weekend!

With Panther Pride,

Signature scott adams

Dr. Scott Adams, Director