10 February, 2023

Words from our Director

Words from our Director - Words from our Director

Dear CDS Families, 

One of the longest running and important traditions here at CDS is that of our senior speeches. This tradition has created some of the most memorable and proud moments in our school’s history and in the lives of many of our soon-to-be graduates.  

This week, introduced by his lifelong CDS friend, Luis Chasí, Daniel Marín was the first to deliver a senior speech for his generation. It was an amazing moment. Daniel spoke of personal challenges and how he faces them.  He also spoke of how he puts himself in situations that test him and push him to grow. He delivered his speech with confidence, clarity, and a wisdom beyond that of a typical 18-year-old.  The audience, consisting of the entire high school student body, teaching staff, administrators, and his family, were silent as he spoke. It all seemed effortless, and through his use of vulnerability coupled with humor, he captured his audience wholeheartedly. I would like to thank Daniel for starting our senior speech season off with a bang and look forward to hearing those to come. This is just another reminder of how special our CDS students are and how fast they grow up.  

I wish you all a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you next week as our CDS Panther soccer teams head over to Lincoln to shine in the AASCA tournament! 

Highest Regards, 
Words from our Director - Words from our Director

Jack Young 
Country Day School