17 February, 2023

Words from our Director

Words from our Director - Words from our Director

Hello CDS Families! 

It is not often that I am left without words but as I sit to write this week’s Director’s Message I am struggling to articulate my feelings. We are less than 72 hours away from embarking on the longest, most challenging educational trip in the 60-year history of our school. This Sunday evening, 17 students, accompanied by 4 CDS chaperones, will set out for Tanzania for the adventure of a lifetime. Some students will summit Mt. Kilimanjaro with Secondary Principal, Brian Balding and Early Childhood Office Manager, Melody Herrera while others join me and secondary social studies teacher, Liz Angney, on a trip to work collaboratively with other NAE students from Budapest and the US to help bring sustainable living projects to local communities. We will also be spending an evening camping in the Tanzanian bush and then embark on a two-day wildlife safari.  

In my absence, Ms. Karla Pennant, CDS Director of Human Resources will act as Director General. If you have any issues or concerns while I am gone, please email Ms. Pennant at karla.pennant@cds.ed.cr. 

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend! 

Words from our Director - Words from our Director

Jack Young 
Country Day School