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News image counselling Blog | Our Blog
College Counselling – In the News
These last weeks have been interesting for those of us who are University Guidance Counsellors. I opened the papers recently and saw a familiar face from the series «Desperate Housewives», in the spotlight in the United States because of the help she afforded to her children to ensure their acceptance into the « right » universities.
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News image literacy Blog | Our Blog
Programming, today’s literacy
Every student should be studying Computer Science in their formative years at school. The ability to future-proof decisions, to be able to exercise agile governance and make mindful decisions requires the knowledge and understanding of the technological world that we live in today.
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News image grandir Blog | Our Blog
« Adolescere » : grandir vers, mais vers quoi ?
Face au besoin de l'immédiateté et de l'hyper-connectivité courante, la société dans son ensemble est dans une quête identitaire. Une grande majorité de jeunes et d’adultes partagent l'attention au corps, la recherche d'un sens, la remise en question des relations affectives et spirituelles, l'angoisse d'un lendemain sans horizon, la peur de grandir, de vieillir, et de mourir.
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News image valeurs Blog | Our Blog
Pourquoi les valeurs classiques sont-elles encore d’actualité aujourd’hui?
Contrairement aux traditions, les valeurs éducatives classiques traversent les générations comme les phases de l’histoire : la curiosité intellectuelle, l’honnêteté, le courage, la bienveillance envers les autres, l’envie intrinsèque de réaliser tout son potentiel personnel, ces valeurs classiques ont toujours fait progresser l’humanité.
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News image boarding Blog | Our Blog
Sharing about life in a boarding house
Boarding communities should be a close-knit environment where young people are cared for and cared about. It is unquestionably an extended family where the children have a reciprocal respect for one another and develop close friendships and bonds, providing many moments to cherish and many from which to learn.
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News image inutilit Blog | Our Blog
Du bon usage de l’inutilité
On lit chez Cioran cette anecdote : alors qu’on prépare la ciguë qui doit l’empoisonner, Socrate apprend un air de flûte. « A quoi cela servira-t-il donc ? » lui demande-t-on. A savoir cet air avant de mourir fut la réponse. La connaissance comme fin en soi, en somme.
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News image entropie Blog | Our Blog
Compétences du 21ème siècle et entropie
Chômage des jeunes en croissance dans le monde. Robotisation des tâches, même complexes. Probable nécessité de changer plusieurs fois de profession durant une carrière, et le moment venu, d’en exercer une dont on ne peut avoir l’idée aujourd’hui car elle n’existe pas encore.
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News image commonsense Blog | Our Blog
Reconnecting With Commonsense
Working in education for over 20 years has made me think a lot about the state of the world and the responsibility of those of us in education to ensure that positive change happens rapidly. Our young people have the right to expect an education that will give them the tools needed for a brighter, fairer future. We all live in a world that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous –the VUCA world.
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News image matu Blog | Our Blog
Maturité ou bac international ?
Le baccalauréat international (BI) célèbre ses 50 ans d’existence cette année. Il reste assez peu connu des familles suisses, qui se fient volontiers à la maturité pour l’accès de leurs enfants aux études supérieures.
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News image apple Blog | Our Blog
Aspects which Contribute to a Quality Education
What is education? According to Nelson Mandela, “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
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News image joy Blog | Our Blog
The Joy of Effort
Educators are prime witnesses of humanity’s progress: sports became an integral part of education in most schools around the world at the turn of the previous century.
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News image motivation Blog | Our Blog
How can we REALLY motivate students in the 21st Century?
The education system was established in a time of scarcity. Its primary function was to prepare young students to become a component part in the industrial system. What was important back then was the transfer of basic skills and knowledge from one person (the teacher) to another (the student) in an environment not far removed from an industrial batch- processing model.
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News image kind Blog | Our Blog
“If you have the choice between being right and being kind, choose being kind” (Dr. Wayne W. Dyer)
A person can change somebody’s day by showing them a little act of kindness – to smile at someone who is in a bad mood can change their whole day!
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News image oxymore Blog | Our Blog
Discipline positive : un oxymore ?
Nos jeunes sont programmés génétiquement pour déborder d’énergie et tenter de « tester » les limites du cadre parental ou scolaire : en d’autres termes, ils cherchent le maximum de liberté personnelle et le minimum de contraintes.
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News image pedagogies Blog | Our Blog
Why private education is perfectly placed to develop the pedagogies for 21st Century learners
Twenty-first century learning has been the focus of much attention in education since the turn of the century, with proponents arguing that formal education needs to be transformed in order to prepare learners for the complex challenges of a globalised future.
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News image ducatif Blog | Our Blog
L’engagement humanitaire : un projet hautement éducatif
Lors de la création d’une fondation au sein d’une école, l’ambition, au-delà du seul devoir de Charité, est d’offrir aux élèves l’opportunité de vivre des expériences enrichissantes et formatrices qui exigent don et dépassement de soi au contact d’une réalité humaine très éloignée de leur quotidien.
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