Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 January, 2016

WWF Singapore - Education Outreach Programme

WWF Singapore - Education Outreach Programme

Chitra Venkatesh, Education Officer from WWF Singapore, spoke about deforestation in Indonesia

WWF Singapore - Education Outreach Programme Chitra Venkatesh, Education Officer from WWF Singapore, comes to visit DCIS

Chitra Venkatesh, Education Officer from WWF Singapore, spoke about deforestation in Indonesia

On Thursday 28th January Year 2 were visited by the education officer from WWF Singapore, Chitra Venkatesh. Chitra talked to the children about the deforestation that is happening in Indonesia and how it affects both the people and wildlife of Indonesia and the effect that it has across South East Asia. 


Since our PBL provocation of a burning forest, the children have been asking questions about why this happens and thinking of ways to better educate people about the problem. The children are working hard on a number of tasks to try to highlight the problems associated with deforestation and forest fires. Please support us as we raise money for WWF Singapore in the run up to Chinese New Year and look out for supportive projects which we will continue to run this term and next.