Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 May, 2017

Celebrating 45 Years with Exercise!

Celebrating 45 Years with Exercise!

Students take part in 45-minute exercise routine by F45 studio trainers

Celebrating 45 Years with Exercise! Students take part in 45-minute exercise routine by F45 studio trainers

Students take part in 45-minute exercise routine by F45 studio trainers

Students from Years 3KN, 4RB, 4JR, 5EC, 6RC and 7s were chosen to take part in 45 minutes of exercise run by one of the F45 studio owners (from South Buona Vista and Bukit Timah), Jayne Street along with her trainers, Joachim Tan and Junior Goh.  

They worked out in pairs and had to stay in their pods.  Each session had 3 year groups participating so each class did 15 minutes of non-stop exercise leading to 45 minutes of collective exercise. Jayne and her team were impressed with how well the children worked together and how none of them gave up.

Thank you to Jayne and her team for coming to DCIS and showing the children something different!  

Miss Anna Vessey
Year 2 Teacher