Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
01 December, 2017

FUNdraiser for Doorway Online: Thanks a Million!

Doorway OnLine Bake Sale 540x329
FUNdraiser for Doorway Online: Thanks a Million!

We would like to thank EVERYONE who supported our FUNdraiser for Doorway Online this morning.

FUNdraiser for Doorway Online: Thanks a Million! Word Precessing ECA FUNdraiser for Doorway Online: We more than double our target

We would like to thank EVERYONE who supported our FUNdraiser for Doorway Online this morning.

 We were truly amazed by your generosity and positive spirit of support for not only us, but for the charity itself.  Our project has been a success in every way: all that we’ve learned, the experience of organizing an event, and the fact that we more than doubled our fundraising target.  But what we value most -  what has been the most rewarding, is your willingness to join us, and the excitement and enthusiasm you shared with us today.  Thanks a million! 

Astrid, Adam and Juneho

The Word Processing ECA