Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 October, 2019

DCIS Year 3 Exit Point - Footprints from the Past

Year 3 Exit Point  Footprints from the Past Link 540x329
DCIS Year 3 Exit Point - Footprints from the Past Year 3 created a class museum to showcase their learning from their first topic Footprints From the Past. Year 3 Exit Point  Footprints from the Past Hero

The children in Year 3 created a class museum to showcase their learning from our first topic Footprints From the Past.

They shared a range of art work, including terrifying dinosaur eyes, extinction scenes and their interpretation of the different dinosaur eras. Alongside this, we created fossils using clay, a selection of information posters about our class dinosaur and wrote some amazing poems. Over the past two weeks, we have been using a range of materials to create a class dinosaur which petrified our parents! Finally, all the children worked extremely hard on their homework projects, which included models, videos, PowerPoint presentation, posters and even some frozen dinosaur eggs!

Mrs S Groves
Year 3 Teacher