Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 October, 2019

What's the Time Dover Bear?

Nursery Teddy Bears Picnic Link 540x329
What's the Time Dover Bear? Nursery children have settled into life at Dover Court amazingly and to celebrate the end of the first half term, the classes were rewarded with a Teddy Bear's Picnic. Nursery Teddy Bears Picnic Hero

Nursery children have settled into life at Dover Court amazingly and to celebrate the end of the first half term, the classes were rewarded with a Teddy Bear's Picnic.

 The children were all so proud of themselves this week as they managed to demonstrate their amazing teamwork and collected their final 'fuzzy' to gain a whole class reward. Our fuzzies have been awarded by some of the specialist teachers as well as the class teachers for positive behaviour throughout this half term. The children enjoyed playing games with their cuddly toys in the playground and were very excited to play 'What's the Time Dover Bear?' We introduced our teddies to our new friends, sung Farmer in the Den and have enjoyed engaging in role play together all day. 

It has been lovely to hear the children reminding each other to make good choices and we are excelling towards our next  whole class reward as Ms Lebihan rewarded the children two golden fuzzies for their exceptional behaviour during assembly this morning. 

Well done Nursery, we are all very proud of you.


Dominique Pemberton
Nursery Class Teacher