Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 October, 2019

DCIS Year 6 Exit Point - What Price Progress?

Exit Point Year 6 Dragons Den Link 540x329
DCIS Year 6 Exit Point - What Price Progress? Year 6 students present the Exit Point for their first project of the year.

The afternoon of Tuesday 8th October saw our Year 6 students present the Exit Point for their first project of the year. Their project was entitled 'What Price Progress?' where the children became inventors and were tasked with creating an invention that would improve teaching and learning at DCIS.

The Exit Point took the format of Dragons Den. Parents and members of the School Leadership Team were invited to play the role of dragon. The children presented their inventions to the dragons and then used the persuasive techniques they had been developing in English lessons to persuade them to invest their 'Dover dollars' in their creations. This proved to be a very fun and engaging way for the children to to showcase their learning.

Well done students. Your parents and teachers were very proud of you.

Mr Lee Cairns
Year 6 Class Teacher