Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 February, 2020

DCIS Year 4 Assembly - Keep Safe

DCIS Year 4 Assembly - Keep Safe 4AV, 4AP and 4PS gave an assembly about being safe outside school. HeroImageUpperPrimaryAssemblyStaySafeby4AV4AP4PS

4AV, 4AP and 4PS gave an assembly about being safe outside school.

This was not an easy task and the teachers had to be quite creative in making it fun for the children to demonstrate and also meaningful for others when they watched it.  The students had an audience of two Year 4 classes and did a brilliant job of making sure that everyone (including adults) knew how to safe in common areas outside of school. They had heroes telling the children how to stay safe and the reporters reporting on each area. The children ended the show with a well choreographed dance to the song ‘Holding out for a Hero’ by Bonnie Tyler.

Well done 4AV, 4AP and 4PS!

Anna Vessey
Year 4 Teacher