Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 March, 2020

Year 4 Tree Planting Ceremony

Year 4 Tree Planting Ceremony link 540x329
Year 4 Tree Planting Ceremony Year 4’s project work topic this term has been Saving The World: Rainforests. Year 4 Tree Planting Ceremony 200306 hero 1366x500

Year 4’s project work topic this term has been Saving The World: Rainforests.

They have learnt about deforestation and the impact this is having on the environment. They are now great global citizens as not only do they understand how we can save the world through planting more trees but are now more aware of what they can do in terms of the food they eat and the things they use. At the Exit Point, Mr Short represented DCIS in planting a tree in our playground to not only give us more oxygen but more shade too.  We are thankful to everyone who was involved in this from giving us the funds to plant the tree to the gardeners who helped Mr Short plant it. We hope that more schools and companies will do the same to help Singapore in their 2030 vision as mentioned in the news this week: 

Anna Vessey
Year 4 Class Teacher