Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
02 June, 2020

Dover Ongoing Teaching - Year 4

Dover Ongoing Teaching - Year 4 During their virtual online journey, Year 4 have been demonstrating a lot of creativity.

During their virtual online journey, Year 4 have been demonstrating a lot of creativity.

There has been so much fabulous worked turned in that has encompassed many of the visions including resilience.

We have been reading The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman which is an exciting story about a girl following her dreams. She has to go on a tough journey  to become a Firework Maker. This story is set in Indonesia and includes the very real Mount Merapi which recently erupted in real life! The Year 4 children have filmed news reports about this news, designed costumes for characters in the story, written character description and have performed playscripts. As well as this, they have also been making and designing for their project work unit Fashion! They even tested materials to see which was the most waterproof.

All the teachers in Year 4 have been impressed by the technical skills they have used over the last month and they are very proud of everyone.