Our School Gains Excellent MYP Results - our-school-gains-excellent-myp-results
ICS Communications
20 October, 2014

Our School Gains Excellent MYP Results

Our School Gains Excellent MYP Results

We are very proud to offer congratulations to all our Grade 10 students upon receiving their IB Middle Years Programme results.

Our School Gains Excellent MYP Results IB Middle Years Programme Results - The Grade 10 Class of Middle Year's Programme Students Gain Excellent Results Beating World Averages.

We are very proud to offer congratulations to all our Grade 10 students upon receiving their IB Middle Years Programme results.

The 94.5% pass rate, average Middle Years´ score of 49 out of 63 and the average subject grade of 5.50 obtained by candidates who obtained the MYP certificate are indicators of the excellent standard of teaching and learning here at the school and testament to the hard work of both teachers and students.



2009 - 2013 ICS Five Year Average

Number of ICS MYP candidates



ICS MYP pass rate %



Top IB MYP point score (out of 63)



Average subject grade obtained by candidates who obtained the certificate.



Average points score of passing candidates



These results are significantly above world averages and reinforce the fact that our students perform significantly higher than those in comparable schools.  Again this year we have seen a strong correlation between the predictions made by our teaching staff to the IBO at the end of the programme and the actual performance of our students in the moderation process. We can conclude that the IB standard is being applied faithfully by our teachers and that there is sufficient understanding of the assessment requirements of the courses we deliver.


The analysis of results and feedback from moderation will continue into this academic year. As ever, what we have learned from our annual results will be shared internally, discussed and will be used to lead to adjustments and innovations within the school programme so that we can build improvements for future generations.


At the time of writing many students have already successfully begun their Diploma Programme studies. We wish the class of 2016 every success in their future studies and careers.