Hong Kong is a city created by global historical forces and where these factors continue to surround us. Even everyday activities such as the languages we speak, the food we eat and the areas we live in are rich with echoes of events from previous eras.

We approach history as a living subject that can have a direct impact on the way we understand the world around us. The curriculum we have developed aims to take the best of the British system but with a more global perspective to reflect the international nature of our school and our city. At times we will link global events with local historical events, people, places and artifacts to be more tangible with day trips and guest speakers.

We have adopted a chronological approach at Key Stage Three with each year group focusing on a different period in history explored across continents allowing opportunities for contrast and comparison. Over the three years, students will develop a broad overview of many of the factors that lead towards the world we live in today.

Our students will:


We build our students’ skills and knowledge in a range of subject areas at the high standards of the English National Curriculum, taking a broad and balanced approach to the fostering students’ core skills in critical thinking, reasoning, and communication.

Student in Cap and Gown graphic