PSHEE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. This is where students will consider ideas and look at topics that support them to make informed decisions about their life, now and in the future.

PSHEE is taught in pupil’s House Tutor groups which allows teachers to cover sensitive subjects in a safe environment.  We promote healthy and positive lifestyles as part of our school culture, and we help pupils to become healthier, more independent, more responsible and more active members of the communities they are involved in.

The course includes aspects of citizenship, where pupils learn how to make a positive contribution to society. The dual focus on your child as an individual and as a member of a society will reappear throughout the course, and there is plenty of opportunity to look at both aspects of PSHEE.

Students explore topics such as bullying, healthy lifestyles, dealing with stress and emotions, alcohol and drugs, friendships and relationships, global issues, the environment, human and animal rights, managing money, dealing with racism and prejudice, becoming a responsible citizen, careers and the business world, coping with pressure and managing learning.

All topics are tackled sensitively and at the age appropriate level but if you would like to talk to us about what we cover and how we cover it, please contact our PSHEE coordinator. 


We build our students’ skills and knowledge in a range of subject areas at the high standards of the English National Curriculum, taking a broad and balanced approach to the fostering students’ core skills in critical thinking, reasoning, and communication.

Student in Cap and Gown graphic