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Primary Campus Weekly Update
What an amazing final week of the year. This year has flown by, and it has been fantastic to celebrate the progress and achievements of all children from Year 1 to Year 6 in our Prize giving and Graduation events.
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Secondary Campus Weekly Update
Our Secondary Prizegiving was a very special event this morning and a lovely celebration to round a fabulous year. Congratulations to all our prize winners! I leave this final parent update with a poem I read to students today.
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Message from the Principal
A very warm welcome to the final Parent Update of this academic year. With only a few short days of the summer term left to enjoy, I hope that all parents, students, and staff are able to reflect with great satisfaction and pride upon the achievement, enjoyment, vibrancy, fun, energy, and sense of community that has been ever-present across our entire school throughout 2023-24.
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Secondary Campus Weekly Update
It has been an incredibly rewarding end to the academic year. Congratulations to our Year 11 and Year 13 students who have completed their IB and IGCSE examinations, the dedication and the perseverance they have shown is truly commendable.
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Primary Campus Weekly Update
What a fantastic start to our enrichment week programme we have had today. The rain did not dampen any spirits and all of our Year 2 students were amazing Ancient Egyptians and had a great day experiencing life in Ancient Egypt.
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Message from the Principal
June is always the celebratory jewel in any international school’s crown, as we take time to celebrate with our students the culmination of their academic year of study, achievement, and progress.
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Secondary Campus Weekly Update
Last week we hosted researchers from Boston College in school as part of Nord Anglia's research work exploring the link between metacognition (how students think about their thinking) and student success in school.
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