Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 March, 2015

The Global Orchestra - March 2015

Can you sing to a different tune  300
The Global Orchestra
The Global Orchestra 23,000+ students. 35 schools. 14 countries. 1 Global Orchestra

Imagine packing up your instrument and heading to New York for a week-long, fully-paid, celebration of talent together with musicians and singers from our other 35 schools around the world. There’s no need to imagine now, as our Nord Anglia’s Global Orchestra is going live! Three of our very own NAIS musicians or singers will be selected to represent our school in New York in June!

What are the highlights?
  • Auditions are open to Year 5s and above (Grade 6 musicians and singers)
  • Invitation letters will be sent to our most talented singers and musicians to invite them to audition with our Music Department
  • Three successful pupils will be invited to attend an all-expenses paid, week-long residential music Programme in New York from 24 June – 1 July 2015
  • The Residential Programme will culminate in a public performance by our strong Nord Anglia Global Orchestra


What will they do in New York?

Our musicians will join inspiring workshops, practice sessions guided by experts, watch performances by famous artists and be immersed in the city’s arts culture to nurture their talent. The 93-strong Orchestra will visit the world-renowned performing arts conservatory, The Julliard School, with which we have just announced an exclusive Juilliard-Nord Anglia Performing Arts Programme.  Please click here for more details. 


What is the timeline?

From 6 March: Our Music Department will send letters to our most talented singers and musicians to invite them to audition

20 March: Auditions will be held at the school and 5 pupils selected to through to the global auditions

April:  Global auditions (recorded auditions)

20 April: Announcement of 3 pupils to represent our school in the Nord Anglia Global Orchestra

Please find more information attached below. If you have any further questions on the Global Orchestra, please contact our Music Teacher, Mr John Widger on