Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 June, 2016

Primary Stars and Secondary High Commendations

Primary Stars and Secondary High Commendations
Primary Stars and Secondary High Commendations Music plays an important role in the school. This week, our Music Primary Stars of the Week and Secondary High Commendation award winners goes to...

Congratulations to our Primary Stars and Secondary High Commendation award winners in Music...

Year 1: Charlotte Henke von Parpart, Gisele Sze , Tyler Adams, Roselyn Siu, Greg Ng

Year 2: Geraldine Kwong, Annie Helmersson, Kaden The, Adrian Lau, Harry Wienker

Year 3: Julian Winterer, Alberto Sesana, Newton Xu, Jerry Qiu, Jenny Ma

Year 4: Alvin Law, Charissa Kwok, Rylan Holt, Soleil Chan, Charlotte Colton

Year 5: Ronny Chu, Evelyn Lee, Selene Chan, Jasmine Little

Year 6: Stephy Chan, Tristan Surgenor, Bobby Li

Year 7: Mattia Muggeri, Austin Ma

Year 8: Daniel Cheng, Leo Zhang


Thanks also goes to Lucas and Sheryl for seranding us at the beginning of the assembly!