Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 March, 2017

Parent Update - 10 March 2017

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Parent Update - 10 March 2017
Parent Update - 10 March 2017


Dear Parents

The week began with our Assembly to celebrate International Women’s Day. This message about equality is so important as it fits perfectly with our core school value of respect.  I believe everything flows from that one basic idea and that, if we all show respect for each other, the world would be in a better place.


Of course, the main focus this week has been the visit of the Independent School Inspectors.  There have been meetings with groups of staff, parents and children. The inspectors have visited most classes to see teaching and learning and, of course, they surveyed parents and pupils.


Thank you for the fantastic response. 78% of parents took part in the survey and 75% of pupils in Year 4-9.  I will publish the results in detail, once the inspection report is completed but they were very positive.


Thank you for your support because I think it is a true reflection of what the school community is like: a family who care for each other and who all want the best for the children in the school.


We will have verbal feedback, a draft of the report in two weeks and the final report in four weeks’ time.  I will send a copy of the report to each of you and post it on the website.  I am looking forward to a very positive outcome.


Enjoy your weekend.


Brian Cooklin




13 March

Class Assembly 6A, Emma Parker

Year 5 Residential


14 March

Primary Mandarin Parents Evening


15 March

Author Visit from David Solomans for Years 4 – 8


16 March

NAIS PTA quiz night 7-9.30pm in the school hall – last chance to sign up! Don’t miss out

Primary Mandarin Parents evening

Author Visit Roshani Chokshi


17 March

Class Assembly 3E, Arwen Batiste




There are still a few appointment slots available. Please log in during the weekend using the following instructions:

If you would like to schedule a meeting, please follow the steps below:

  • Log in to Firefly
  • Click “Resource” - “Parents” - “Parent Evenings” - “Make your appointments”
  • Click “Log in With Firefly”
  • You may need to click “authorise the app”
  • Follow the instruction on the page to book your appointment

If there is no teacher to select, it could mean that your child is taking EAL instead of Mandarin.



Just a little reminder that the April lunch menu has been posted onto the website and Firefly. Please send in your lunch forms ASAP.



As part of the competition, teams have created videos showcasing their apps and teams that have now been published on the AppJamming Facebook page. Teams are being encouraged to get as many likes as they can for their videos before the competition so please show your support by giving our team the thumbs up on Facebook.


The link to the Facebook page is: and our two teams apps are WaterWatcher and Pocket Fitness. Any likes they can get will count towards their apps and give them a better chance of winning!



Come join the fun at the PTA St Patrick's Day Theme Quiz Night: Thursday, March 16th from 7:00pm. Round up a team of 6 or sign up as an individual! There will be the usual questions and crazy games. Food and Drink available. Registrar at   Always a good night!



We are very pleased to announce the first step in this year’s Global Challenge which is part of our link up with UNICEF to promote the Global Goals for sustainable development. This year’s focus is on Global Goal 3: Health and Well Being. The challenge is for our school community to come together to collaborate to raise awareness of these issues and find ways to effect change in both our school community and the wider community beyond.


Years 7 and 8 have been inspired by an Indian comic book produced by Stan Lee – the creator behind Marvel superheroes such as Spiderman, Ironman and the Hulk. Lee collaborated with UNICEF to create Chakra the Invincible and Mighty Girl who have been turned into comic books, posters and animated movies to draw attention to the Global Goals and effect change amongst young people in India. You can read more about the Indian project here:


Years 7 and 8 have been designing their own Hong Kong heroes to represent the Global Goals. These have included Quackie Chan, Xi Xiao Long, Pang –O Lynn and the Red Lantern (see attached pictures). In the weeks ahead, we will be asking primary students and staff to vote for their choice of mascot for our school.


Year 9 have been busy investigating how issues around health and well-being affect Hong Kong. Marcus, John, Alex, Rebecca and Mazy researched the tragic death of a homeless woman in a fast food restaurant in 2015 and have created a video to draw attention to the topic and suggest ways we can begin to work on these problems. Please watch the video attached and look out for more news of how you can be involved in the Global Challenge in the weeks to come.


Watch it now here .



The HK Music Festival Season is truly underway!  We have been delighted this week to receive photographs and feedback from Joscelyn, Lucas, Jasmine, Geraldine and Audrey who have all done extremely well and it is clear that their hard work and perseverance has paid off.  We would love to celebrate the success of all students, so please do send us a quick photograph if you are able.  Good luck to all those who have yet to perform their pieces - remember to take a deep breath, smile and enjoy the experience as much as you can.




In Music this week, students have begun to explore the new core works, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony or Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto.  Do talk to your children about these works and if you have them available, play them around the house!  This unit focuses mainly on expression in music throughout the age ranges, looking at how dynamics (volume), tempo (speed), articulation and decoration of a melody can play a part in a piece having an emotional impact.  For examples of this in the classroom, please do follow our Twitter feed @musicNAISHK.



GMF Sports Academy will be holding the Nike basketball camp here at NAIS over the Easter break and this is a great chance for keen basketball players to up their game. Two overseas coaches by the name Nicholas Loureiro and Mariano Cerutti, will bring different philosophies, game tactics and strategies to the Nike Camp and its students. These camps are suitable for everyone, whether you are a beginner trying to learn a few new moves, or whether you are a serious player who wants to improve and take their game to the next level.


Date & Time: 

(NIKE1: Apr 13-15, Thu - Sat, 10:00-17:00) by Nicholas Loureiro

(NIKE2: Apr 16-18, Sun-Tue, 10:00-17:00) by Nicholas Loureiro

(NIKE3: Apr 29 - May 1&3, Sat-Mon & Wed, 10:00-17:00) by Mariano Cerutti


Camp Fee: 

NIKE1 & NIKE2: $2,970

NIKE3: $3,960


To sign up email



As with all other subjects taught at school, swimming is compulsory for all pupils. Not only is it important for their physical health but it is also vital for their safety.  Children who are not competent swimmers are at risk from drowning and it is our joint responsibility to eliminate this risk as far as possible.


If you wish to move your child from Lam Tin to the new Tin Wan campus, please inform the admissions team on or before 24 March by emailing


Another week and more to celebrate. Congratulations to the following students:


Year 1: Summer Cooper, Henry Simmonds, Dylan Fallon, Amy Li, Jayden Chan

Year 2: Parth Tipnis, MariVi Farias Flocco, Ami Persson, Harry Kilmartin, Siya Tipnis

Year 3: Charlie Burns, Christopher Imbriaco, Chris Chan, Jonathan Poon, Hector Kyriakopoulos

Year 4: Daniel Ng, Evelyn Bowen, Stella Todd, Belinda Lui, Isabella Smith

Year 5: Maithini Parekh, Alison Woo, Connor Foster, Sienna Gordon, Kyle Yuen

Year 6: Keith The, Kosuke Tsuda, Jack Parsons, Oliver Bamford



Year 7: Nicole Chan

Year 8: Polina Evdokimovo

Year 9: Peony Hong


See their smiling faces here.



Class 6A talked to us about their recent residential trip to Kanchanaburi, Thailand, sharing what they saw, where they visited, and what they had learnt. They went to several historical sites, including the Thailand-Burma Railway and the war cemetery where they learnt how World War II broke out in the South East Asia, bringing to life what they had learnt in class. They went on to share their journals and poems written during the trip, which was a great insight into their feelings and reflections on what they seen and heard in the trip.


There is nothing you could do to help,

As the decision God made cannot be changed.

Life means life, death means death,

Whatever is – is best,

If death it is then it is death.

For those labourers who are unfortunate enough,

This is all I have to tell,

The tales of those sufferers who passed away.

The Devil of Destiny: Hellfire Pass Cutting


They also told us about their time working with the rescue elephants. They planted and prepared food to feed the elephants and learned more about welfare of elephants. They ended the performance with a song they had written by themselves.


After 6A’s performance, Mr Brian Cooklin presented trophies to the winners of KS1 and KS2 Inter-house Hockey Competition. Congratulations Balmoral and Windsor. The details of the results are as follows:


KS1 Hockey

1.       Balmoral

2.       Caernarfon

3.       Windsor and Sandringham


KS2 Hockey

1.       Windsor

2.       Caernarfon

3.       Sandringham

4.       Balmoral



As we celebrated the International Woman Day on Wednesday, Mr Cross talked about women’s rights and gender equality in our world this morning. By using three stories as an example, he highlighted how women still face issues and experience inferior rights with regards to food, education, and work. He urged our students to think about what we can all do on this issue, ending the assembly with this quote.

“No society can flourish if it stifles the dreams and potential of half its population. Empowering women is more than a moral imperative, it is essential for building a strong, prosperous, healthy future we all can share.” – Bill Clinton, Former President of the United States



Make sure you don’t miss out on what’s happening in school! Check that you have changed your settings and selected the “turn on the notifications” from our posts.







Quick list guide of who to email for what:



Please do not use the for any of the above queries.


Have a lovely weekend.