Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 July, 2023

Optional Summer Photo Competition

Optional Summer Photo Competition - summer photo

Share your summer experience with us and win some great mystery prizes!


Confident    Examples: action shots from stage performances, or challenging activities such as zip-lining etc.

Creative    Examples: in-the-moment problem-solving scenarios, arts activities, or den construction etc.

Considerate    Examples: social awareness within different cultures, or showing respect and kindness by helping others around us

The opportunities are truly endless!  Try to be as innovate, creative and unique as possible, but always stay safe while taking the photograph!

To participate, all candidates should include either the NAIS Pudong tiger, or another item which shows the school name or logo in their picture (free tiger plushies available from the Admissions office just for this challenge).

Email your photograph to (include the photograph, your name and form/class, plus a small piece of text explaining the context.)

Deadline: Friday 18th August 2023

Optional Summer Photo Competition - summer photo