27 November, 2023

PAWS2 Events Update

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS

Charity is particularly poignant at Christmas - so what better way to mark Thanksgiving and the beginning of Christmas this year than to celebrate and support our school animal charity PAWS2? So, on Friday 24 November, that is exactly what we did!

Caring for creatures great and small starts at home and this was very much the case judging by the events of a truly remarkable week!

By Deborah Leigh Battin

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS

Indeed, Friday 24 November marked the end of a spectacularly busy week in support of our furry friends. It started with the saving of four abandoned puppies who will now be looked after until we find caring homes for each of them. What better time to showcase our ECA student-run initiative for Shanghai animals in need. We witnessed a heart-warming display of compassion and community engagement here at BISS, in the form of participation in, and donations for, products displayed at the German bake and crafts sale (Backen und Basteln) followed at 6pm by the first ever BISS Winter Snowball dance.

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS

Delicious Delights: Cats and Cinnamon at the German Bake Sale

The air was filled with the of aroma of cinnamon and gingerbread spices as the German bake sale unfolded. Students eagerly gathered to savour traditional German delights such as mouth-watering pretzels, delectable Black Forest gateau and fragrant gingerbread cookies. The bake sale was a testament to the culinary skills of students and parents who dedicated their time and effort to create these delectable treats.

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS
Time in the making – the preparation for Basteln and Backen

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS

The German bake sale not only satisfied taste buds but also raised significant funds to support abandoned animals in need.

Staff participation – supporting animals is a piece of cake!

A big thank you goes to the members of staff who supported us, from baking gingerbread men to helping supervise at the Snowball. We couldn’t have done this without your help!

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS

Basteln – Arts and Craft Sale - Showcasing Students' Christmas Tree Decorations

Adjacent to the bake sale, the Basteln craft sale showcased the artistic talents of students who had meticulously crafted their individual Christmas tree decorations. The craft sale provided a platform for students to exhibit their creativity and share their festive spirit with the community. Year 4 students in Primary had a go at stitching their gingerbread men with Ms Mary Prendi and they were so excited to hear their products would make money for animals in need!

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS

Disco dance – time to get your groove on and strut that stress away!

The dance floor came alive with joy and camaraderie as students danced to music (some new and some nostalgic for some of us) and celebrated the spirit of giving. The dance event not only provided a platform for all age groups to come together in support of abandoned animals but also raised funds through ticket sales and donations, like the raffle prize donated by a generous parent. The atmosphere was filled with love, compassion and a shared commitment to making a difference.

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS

Impact and Community Support

The integration of the German bake sale, Basteln craft sale and evening dance created a powerful platform for the school community to come together for a common cause. Beyond the funds raised, the event generated awareness about the plight of abandoned animals and instilled a sense of empathy and responsibility in students and attendees.
Furthermore, the event served as an opportunity to educate students about responsible pet ownership, animal welfare and the importance of adoption. It provided a chance for local animal shelters, namely the Nekoshelter, to share their mission and connect with potential volunteers and supporters! Special thanks to my fabulous Year 8s; “die Helden” especially Neo Davies and his unwavering commitment to making this all happen.

Below: the inspirational Year 12 CAS students can be seen enjoying the results of their toil!

PAWS2 Events Update - PAWS

Thank you for caring!

The school charity showcase exemplified the power of collective action and community support in making a difference for abandoned animals. Through the dedication and involvement of students, staff, parents and volunteers, the event successfully raised funds, created awareness, and fostered compassion and responsibility. It stands as a shining example of how a community can come together to bring joy, hope, and support to those in need, both human and animal alike!

If you would like to make a donation to our fund for the Nekoshelter, in support of vulnerable animals in great need, please contact Ms Deborah Leigh Battin at Deborah.battin@bisspuxi.com

We wish you all a Merry Christmas!